Joanna Urbańska. NOW YOU SEE ME

It’s an activity that relates to identity and identification and the social “mask.” Focused on revealing and hiding the exposed part of the body. Audience participation very welcome.

Thursday / June 20, 2024 / 7 pm / RABRYKA

Joanna Urbańska

Born in 2000, she is an artist working mainly in performance art, installation, and sculpture. In her practice, she explores the human nature, focusing on our social roles and diversity. Her current focus is on notions of memory, generational memory, and trauma. She is interested in pushing boundaries, starting with the assumption that a work is always meant to create new relationships, bringing the audeince closer to the artist and vice versa. She seeks to establish a natural contact with the viewer, who is always an integral part of the work. She has carried out her actions at the Labirynt Gallery in Lublin (Performance Platform Festival, 2023), the Center for Artistic Activities in Piotrków
Trybunalski (“Interactions” International Art Festival, 2023), Praça Luís de Camões in Lagos, Portugal (Festival Verão Azul, 2023, collective action) and at the KTO Theater in Krakow (“aKTOmar” performance review, 2022, 2023).