Edka Jarząb. EMERGENCY SIGNALS. Participative performance

A vocal exercise in manifesting the current state of emergency. Exploring the possibilities of the human voice, tones of extreme intensity and power.
Inviting the audience to participate in a shared experiment, we will embrace the here and now, resonating with each other, and as Donna Haraway suggests: staying with the problem.

Thursday / June 20, 2024 / 6 pm / RABRYKA

Edka Jarząb

A sound artist who derives her work from the practice of deep listening. Her compositions are based on field recordings, electronics, extended vocal techniques, radio waves, and various objects. She has created the soundscape for performative actions, including those at Komuna Warszawa and Sophiensæle in Berlin, as well as sound installations and radio plays. She places a strong emphasis on the physical experience of sound and reflects on perception as a relational experience. Her texts can be found in publications on sound ecology, the biopolitics of voice or public space. She was an artist-in-residence at the experimental studio WORM in Rotterdam; she is a regular contributor to the Brussels-based interdisciplinary platform Q-O2.
