Janusz Bałdyga. ANONIM. MY NAME IS…

The performance will be concerned with the status of anonymous presence, hidden behind a code, the key of which is unknown or known to a few (the initiated). The absence of a sign of identification provokes the creation of myths based on fantasy and longing for a fulfilled expectation.

The anonymous hero or anonymous donor takes on a supernatural, monumental dimension. The angel as an entity of unidentified gender, invisible, imagined, fallen provides a starting point for reflecting on the sign of unidentified presence realized through shadow, memory or repeated mythical transmission.

In this context, presence should be understood more widely, not only as direct presence based on the psychophysical condition, but also as a potential value based on the trace or evident result of direct presence.

Thursday / June 20, 2024 / 6:30 pm / RABRYKA

Janusz Bałdyga

Performer and creator of objects, Bałdyga was born in 1954 in Lublin and studied at the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He graduated in 1979 with a diploma from the atelier of Prof. Stefan Gierowski. He was a member and co-founder of the artistic group Pracownia Dziekanka (1976–1981) as well as a member of Akademia Ruchu since 1979. He currently teaches at the Department of Sculpture of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Fine Arts in Poznań, where he runs the Performance Art Studio. He has participated in numerous exhibitions, symposia, and artistic events in Poland and abroad, including Germany, the Netherlands, Scotland, Austria, Russia, Taiwan, Switzerland, Israel, Norway, Spain, Japan, Indonesia, Ukraine, China, and the USA. He has developed his original style by consistently reducing language and means of articulation. The artist’s performance activities are built upon the body as a fundamental element, serving as both the medium and the object of his work. His practice is rooted in social, political, and philosophical contexts, yet it maintains a universal dimension of the artistic message.
